Behavior Analysis @ MTSU

Why study Behavior Analysis at MTSU?

Ten reasons to study behavior analysis at Middle Tennessee State University: 

–You can take classes in behavioral neuroscience, developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, and more.

–Operant behavior in humans and rats

–Applied Behavior Analysis in children

–Behavioral neuroscience in humans and mice

–OBM and I/O psychology

–Aging and gerontology, sleep, decision-making, and more!

What can you do with an MA in Applied Research and Methodology*,
Behavior Analysis Specialization

Our MA in Psychology with a concentration in Applied Research and Methodology* and a specialization in Behavior Analysis, provides a strong scientific foundation which prepares students to:

–Behavior analysts are in high demand within Tennessee, the Southeast, and Nationwide.

The average salary for a behavior analyst in TN is $79,464**.

*Formerly known as Experimental Psychology
**As of September 2022 (

Behavior Analysis Faculty at MTSU

Our behavior analysis faculty have experience implementing behavior-analytic interventions with clients in clinical settings, teaching behavior-analytic classes, and conducting behavior-analytic research. We have published in peer-reviewed behavior-analytic journals and we regularly present our research at conferences. We are committed to serving MTSU and the field of behavior analysis.

Our Faculty include:

Annie Galizio, PhD, BCBA-D 

•Areas of Expertise: Behavioral variability and stereotypy, autism spectrum disorder, translational behavior analysis

Jay Hinnenkamp, PhD 

•Areas of Expertise: Conditioned reinforcement, quantitative models of choice and learning, social behavior

Kim Ujcich-Ward, PhD, BCBA-D 

•Areas of Expertise: Body image and children, behavioral interventions, ABA training

Behavior Analysis Specialization: Degree Requirements

The Association for Behavior Analysis International has verified the following courses toward the coursework requirements for eligibility to take the Board Certified Behavior Analyst examination. Applications will need to meet additional eligibility requirements and demonstrate they reside in an authorized country before they can be deemed eligible to take the examination.

The MA in Applied Research and Methodology* with an emphasis in Behavior Analysis is a 2-year program that requires students to complete 22 hours of core courses, 6 hours of research/thesis, and 9 hours of elective courses:

Core Behavior Analysis Courses (Verified Course Sequence):

Research/Thesis Requirement:

Elective Course #1 - Choose one of the four following courses:

Elective Course #2 - Choose one of the three following courses:

Elective Course #3 - Choose one of the two following courses:

Behavior Analysis Specialization: Schedule Example